It's the last day of 2011 and I'm doing some house cleaning at the various places I hang out on the web. I'm looking through the folks I follow and eliminating some that just aren't all that productive. I started at following 125 Twitter accounts at 11 h 16 m to go to 2012 here in Sacramento. I'm trying to evaluate them by volume and benefit that I have gained through following them. I should point out that I follow Twitter accounts for work, news, and knowledge. I use other 3rd places to link with friends and family. at 11h 0m to go to 2012 I am following 95 Twitter accounts. Most are related to things I'm doing at work, news, or interests at home.
I have 72 followers. I'm uncertain why most of them follow me, but I suspect many of them do so to get me to follow them and buy some product or service. At 10h 47m to 2012, it's not exactly working. I am following fewer than 10% of the people who follow me. Mostly for the same reason that they follow me -- I don't want to know about their product or service.
On to Facebook . . . Not much to change here. Not exactly rolling in friends, and am following only a small number of pages. Made a small change to my user name.
. . . 10h 36m to go and on to Google+. This one was new this year and I'm still evaluating it as a place to hang out (pun intended for one of their features . . . one I haven't tried yet). No changes here, so I'm moving to the oldest blog I have on the website. For a while now, I have been revisiting, rewriting and removing some of the blogs I wrote over the years. Today, I'm looking more at removing than anything else.
. . . 10h 3m to go and I'm done visiting my 3rd places and tidying up for the year. From my places to your places, a blessed and prosperous new year to all the world.