Since Yahoo restricted work-at-home options for their employees, there has been a great deal of
discussion. I like this
place for work occasionally as it provides the flexibility needed to make work-life balance, well, balanced. But the bottom line on Yahoo's decision will be whether it is
good for business -- read profitable. Since providing this additional
place for people to work is primarily a personnel decision and people are
expenses, the effect on productivity, retention, hiring, job satisfaction will be the ultimate test of this decision and all the debate in the various places will be moot. One can by cynical and say that this might be a move to get higher-priced talent to leave so that the company can hire H1-B personnel, but I can't make that comment as I have no knowledge. The profit equation will be the deciding factor for Yahoo. You can probably tell that my
personal opinion is that it is the wrong decision and I know that, were I looking to change jobs and join Yahoo, this would definitely be a
negative factor in my decision.