How do you decide to invite new people to your third place? That is, who do you decide to follow, friend, track . . . ? I have just been through the process of removing people I follow on Twitter and adding a couple of new ones. Is it common interests that make someone worth following? If you are running a business, I suppose that you follow folks who will make you more money. I work for a business and follow people who will provide the tools I need to remain relevant to the management by improving my contributions to the success of the business. If you are on the net socially, then you probably pick people who share you common interests. I do this some, but also try to select people/groups who will expand my world.
So you have people you follow, friend, etc. When do you decide to remove them? It appears that some do not. I'm astounded when I see that someone follows thousands of people on Twitter. How can they possibly read and digest all that noise? I suppose that they don't, but possibly follow someone only because they might benefit their bottom line. But, it has to be impossible to actually benefit from all that information. I remove people when they seem irrelevant to my interests. Many feeds simply repeat other things that you see on the web or aggregate them. I want to get to the source in most cases and eliminate duplication in my effort to educate myself.
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